President, GSAS
Graduate Student, The Media School
“GSAS” is a student-run organization that brings together graduate students from across the IU campus, from ten professional schools and from numerous disciplines, who have research interests based in Africa or its global African diaspora.
Our goals are to promote ethical and collaborative research surrounding Africa’s rich history, cultures, societies, contemporary realities, and imagined futures. We foster discussion between students and faculty, sponsor events such as our annual national graduate student symposium, and graduate student professionalization. We also address the needs of graduate students in Africa-content disciplines; for example, we have an elected representative who serves as the graduate student liaison and voice on the African Studies Program’s Executive Board – a governing entity.
For more information, join the WhatsApp Group; https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jx9bKhqvAFi6a38AS8oRSJ</a
President, GSAS
Graduate Student, The Media School
Kevin Mudavadi
Vice President, GSAS
Secretary, GSAS
Graduate Student, The Media School
Graduate Student, Folklore & Ethnomusicology
ASP Executive Board Representative/ Student-Faculty Liaison, GSAS
Windows to the World Assistant, African Studies Program
Graduate Student, The Media School
Treasurer, GSAS
Each year, graduate students from across Indiana University, as members of GSAS, plan and implement a national-level graduate student conference. Since 2020, this annual spring event has become hybrid in order to allow for participation from our graduate student counterparts outside of the US. Themes of the conference represent broad areas of scholarly concern and Keynote Speakers afford participants the ability to be in conversation with leading scholars, activists and other thinkers.
Theme: Africa Our Future
Date: March 22-23, 2024
Contact: gsas@iu.edu
Call for Papers: Coming soon
Committees and Members
Call For Proposals, Submissions Review and Conference Program
Logistics and Technology
Recruitment and Publicity
Social Affairs, Entertainment and Hospitality
355 North Eagleson Avenue