Breadth & depth of knowledge

Our interdisciplinary courses span the histories, cultures, and languages of Africa and the diaspora. You’ll gain valuable skills that will prepare you for a career in government, business, academe, education, the non-profit sector, or another career option requiring global competence -- whether in the U.S., on the African continent, or anywhere else you may go.

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Multidisciplinary & Global

Our program is comprised of faculty in the arts, sciences, and professional schools who teach and engage with research throughout the continent and its diaspora. We promote the study of Africa with a global perspective by cooperating with other area studies programs, international centers, and departments inside and outside Indiana University.

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News + Events

All of our activities are conducted in accordance with our values stressing integrity, excellence, diversity, community, collaboration, and creativity.

Feb 08

Starts at 2:30 p.m.

IU Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 416 N. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, IN 47408


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Land acknowledgement

The African Studies Program wishes to acknowledge and honor the myaamiki, Lënape, Bodwéwadmik, and saawanwa people [Miami, Delaware, Potawatomi, and Shawnee people], on whose ancestral homelands and resources Indiana University was built.