Academic Services & Resources

To reach an advisor regarding African languages questions, you may contact the African languages coordinator, Alwiya Omar, or College of Arts and Sciences Linguistics advisor Krystie Herndon.

Alwiya Omar, African Languages Coordinator

Krystie Herndon, Linguistics Advisor

Not all students begin their African languages journey from the same place. If you would like to schedule a placement exam in Akan/Twi, Bamana, isiZulu, Kiswahili or Yoruba please contact African Languages Coordinator Alwiya Omar,, for assistance.

Students are encouraged to attend conversation sessions and language tables with their instructors or other language learners. The Center for Language Technology (CeLT) provides a schedule of language tables for students and other language learners.

Experience sociolinguistic customs through interactive dialogues, texts, and exercises for Akan/Twi, Bamana, isiZulu, and Kiswahili.

African Studies also hosts a site featuring African folktales and songs that students may use for research and language comprehension.

Languages and Cultures at IUB

Experience sociolinguistic customs through interactive dialogues, texts, and exercises for Akan/Twi, Bamana, isiZulu, and Kiswahili. (Requires an IU login ID and password.)  

Visit the African Languages and Cultures website


IUB Language Lab

The Language Lab on IU's Bloomington campus is an integral part of the Center for Language Technology (CeLT) and provides language learning resources. CeLT is home to many African language materials.